Carrier Community (CC), the renowned global telecom network established in 2008, recently hosted two exceptional events, the 4th annual Global Carrier Community Meeting (GCCM) in Miami and the 9th Middle East 2024 GCCM, CC-Submarine Summit, and C-Level Summit in Muscat. These gatherings underscored CC’s commitment to fostering collaboration, innovation, and connectivity within the telecom industry.
The America 2024 GCCM took place on October 2nd and 3rd at the B Ocean Resort Fort Lauderdale Beach, bringing together over 150+ Club Members across sectors like messaging, fixed networks, IoT, submarine, digital cloud, data centers, and ISPs. Attendees engaged in dynamic networking, insightful panel discussions sponsored by industry leaders such as Verizon, BTS, and iBasis, and explored innovative products. A heartfelt thank you goes to Verizon Partner Solutions as the Diamond Sponsor, along with Devotel and Bankai Group as Platinum Sponsors, for their pivotal support. Additional thanks to Lanck Telecom, Türk Telekom International, Orange Wholesale, Telecall, and others for their valued contributions.
From November 4th to 6th, CC hosted the Middle East 2024 GCCM, CC-Submarine Summit, and C-Level Summit at the prestigious Al Bustan Palace, Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Muscat. This flagship event welcomed over 900+ Club Members and featured an impressive lineup of activities, including exhibition spaces, bilateral meeting tables, C-Level Summit sessions, and engaging Thought Leadership panels. Building on the success of previous gatherings, the Muscat edition provided an exceptional platform for members to exchange ideas, discuss trends, and forge strategic partnerships.
Special thanks to the Lead Host Diamond Sponsor, Omantel, and Co-Host Diamond Sponsor, ZOI, as well as Platinum Sponsors Bankai Group, Devotel, and Zay Telecom. Additional sponsorship came from Gold Sponsors such as Awasr, Infinera, and MGI, and Silver Sponsors including Huawei, GBI, and China Mobile International Middle East, among others.
Attendees enjoyed a range of memorable experiences, from a scenic Omani dhow cruise with dolphin watching to receptions at the Infinity Pool Deck and the breathtaking Cliff Deck. Submarine Masterclasses offered deep insights into the latest advancements in global connectivity, further enriching the event.
Looking ahead, we are thrilled to invite you to the Middle East 2025 GCCM, CC-Submarine ME 2025 Summit, and C-Level Summit, scheduled for November 2nd to 4th, 2025, in Muscat. Save the date and join us for another transformative experience.
Thank you for your unwavering support, which continues to make these events a resounding success. We look forward to seeing you at future CC gatherings!